
Close & Nurture More Leads With Our Affiliate Program.

Let Us Help You Rise & Start Nurturing Your Not Quite Yet Ready Clients Today.

Why Choose Peak Credit To Help Your Clients Get Credit Ready?

Prospective Home Buyers are coming to you for assistance but all to often the Realtor’s and Real Estate Teams that we connect with don’t have the tools and resources that they need to be able to nurture their prospective clients simply because their credit or finances just aren’t there yet.

What if there was an easier way though to nurture your clients and get them the help they need and in many cases are expecting from you in order to repair their credit, clear up their finances, and move forward through the home buying process with more confidence.

Our Proficiency Speaks for itself

Credit repair
Credit Education
Credit Monitoring

What Sets Us Apart?

Anyone can proclaim that they know how to repair credit but, it takes someone that cares to put a full service set of programs and solutions together to bring real solutions to the table that ultimately helps to solve real problems, and that includes the multitude of questions that first time home buyers and even seasoned home buyers have since many seasoned home buyers are not at all familiar with the current market conditions and struggles that many home buyers are facing today.


This is why we’ve created a program for not quite ready yet prospective home buyers and their agents that nurtures all parties involved, keeps all parties involved in the loop, and provides your prospective home buyers with the tools, information, and resources everyone needs to make informed buying decisions while going through the credit correction, repairing, rebuilding, and restoration process.


But wait, there’s more.  Instead of just focusing on credit repair like so many other companies do our team focuses on the much larger picture that considers your bank statements, your budget, your savings, your job history and yes your credit and puts it all together in an easy to understand process that helps you actually meet current lender qualifications of 580 credit scores for FHA loans and 680 for conventional mortgages. 


That way when it comes time to hit that apply now button, start looking for the home that is the right fit for them, and move forward into the process; everyone is certain that the home buyer is ready, and is as excited as they should be about moving forward in truth, integrity, and confidence.

Join Our Affiliate Program Today

Let’s work together to challenge credit report errors and optimize your client’s credit reports and scores. If you and your clients are ready to take action, and find the solutions needed to some of the most common qualification hold backs, we are ready to help!

What to Expect

From the moment you connect with us, our team will work with you to ensure that the strategy developed for you is what you really need, and will actually help you solve your qualification problems.

1. We will Inspect and look for the inconsistencies within your credit reports. 

2. In case we find some inaccuracies, we will report them immediately to the listed creditor and have them make corrections as soon as possible.

3. While this can take as little as 30 – 45 days, in many cases our work does not stop there because all to often creditors choose to not remove the inaccurate information which means we will then have to fight on your behalf and request that data furnishers as well as the 3 credit bureaus are ensuring the accuracy of your credit reports which as a result is most likely negatively impacting your scores.

Stay Up To Date

We keep you in the loop every step of the way through your credit restoration journey.

Credit Monitoring

We teach you the importance of monitoring your credit, and at what frequency to ensure that incorrect information appearing on your credit reports gets corrected as quickly as possible..

Credit Repair

We help you repair, correct, restore and even rebuild your credit, and make you an active participant in the process.

Credit Education

We nurture and educate you in credit education, FICO score education, credit utilization, and do our very very best to ensure that you are making informed decisions about the process ahead of you long before you start applying for their first or next home loan.

Our Credit Solutions In 3 Easy To Understand Steps:

1. Audit & Analyze

In the first stage of the process, we perform an audit on your credit reports, review your scores, and come up with a full plan of action that helps you understand the process while providing the solutions you need to make informed decisions about the process moving forward.

Once completed with this stage, we’ll review the materials and findings with you, send over a copy of our audit report card to you and move into step 2.

2. Rebuild Correct & Dispute

Step 2 starts with taking the plan of action that we set in step 1, and put it into action.  If you need credit rebuilding, we’ll get you started off with resources that make sense for you and where you are at including helping you obtain new secured credit cards if necessary to not only add in more lines of credit and accounts to make room for conventional loan options if needed later on but, these accounts will also help lower credit utilization ratios by adding a new and primarily unused line of credit to your credit reports which will help throughout the score reporting process over the long term, and make additional room in their credit for any expenses that may need to be paid down for later on complete with an every day plan of action that helps you use existing bills in order to build or rebuild your credit, responsibly.

From there we move on to the next stage once any approvals have come through on the secured credit card end, and start the process of repairing, correcting, and removing any inaccurate, obsolete, or unverifiable information that is actually doing more harm than good to your clients credit reports.  While it’s important to note that this does not happen overnight or even in 30 days please be aware that we make every effort possible to achieve the most results possible in the quickest time that we can in accordance with the law.

*Please note – we make absolutely no promises or guarantees ever on anticipated results or timelines of anticipated results however, based on past experience, and similar results we may be able to provide you with a best guess scenario that could be similar.

3. Move You Forward To Your Goals

Once we’ve completed the process of rebuilding, correcting, repairing, and restoring your credit we’ll send all parties a congratulations message, and let you enjoy the freedom in what happens when you free your finances.

Pricing Plan

Your need is our priority

Let’s work together to challenge credit report errors and optimize your scores. If you are ready to take action, we are ready to help!

Monthly Package


enrollment/audit fee

$75 monthly fee ( includes credit monitoring)

Credit Education

3 Bureau Audit-Analysis

24/7 Client Portal Access

Customer Service Support

Monthly Updates

Credit Building

No Contract

Money Back Guarantee if No Deletions in 120 Days

Unlimited Disputes


Frequently Asked Questions

Your credit report defines if you can acquire a home loan, vehicle financing, credit card rates and even affordable car insurance! The misconception among most Americans is that we have just the one credit report. Each of the three main credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian) has their own credit report to show. Over 75 percent of credit reports contain errors and it is extremely important that you review all three credit reports to make sure the information is up to date and accurate! A lender may pull just one of your reports or all three when considering a loan, so it is paramount that you keep a close eye on ALL 3 reports.

There are many things that can affect your credit score, but for now let’s go over the main negative and positive factors.

-Negative- Collections, Charge- offs, Repos, Loans, Delinquent accounts, closed account, Medical Bills and Late Payments.

-Positive- Long and Positive Credit History, Low Credit Utilization, Positive Trade Lines, On-Time Payments and Paying More Than the Monthly Minimum On Payments.

Each person’s credit report is different and each item on the report holds a different weight. If your score isn’t rising or is declining slowly; the main issue causing this is simply that the weight of the negatives is outweighing the positives. If you have been making your payments on time, but your credit utilization rate is above 30% then you may see a slow increase. If you are to remove any negative items but don’t have much positive credit recorded underneath, then you may experience a small decline in your score or a very small increase. On the other hand, if you remove many negative items and underneath you DO have positive credit, your score will rise 90% of the time!

Let’s Make A List!

  • Names- Is your name listed correctly or are multiple names present?
  • Is your address accurate and up to date?
  • Are items listed properly or missing?
  • Manner of Payment- This one is a little difficult to start looking for at first, but we have a handy dandy video to show how to find these discrepancies! – MOP Mistakes
  • Do you not recognize an account/ is the account even yours?

Great question. Unlike most companies that only dispute two or three items per month, we challenge every piece of negatively reporting information every month, which results in a much shorter total program time for our clients. However, please always keep in mind that credit repair is a process, and that process takes time and patience as well as maximum effort. Most of out clients will see some changes on their credit report within the first 45 days or so, and then they see more results following each cycle that we send. However, there have been a few clients who had very few changes for 4 or 5 months, and then all of the sudden there was a landslide of removals, deletions and updates. Patience and persistence is the key to successful credit repair. Even for the most stubborn negative accounts that took many, many rounds, there has rarely been an account that could not be removed with enough attacks and enough patience. We call this the TMF (Too Much Factor), where over time our challenges cost the bureaus too much money and too much time and we have presented too much evidence, and they will eventually remove the challenged account. But we need your patience in order to reach this point on the most stubborn items. Our advice: Don’t Quit! You will be successful in the long run.

Every 35 days, at the end of a challenge cycle, we will pull your updated credit report and update your Secure Client Portal with the results. We will also send you an email with all the significant updates, as well as insight as to why your scores changed. These might include pointing out that a credit card balance increased significantly, and advice on what you can do to help us help you.

Absolutely! Due to the current climate, our staff is largely remote to keep everyone safe and comfortable. Because of this, the easiest way to get on the phone with your Credit Improvement Expert is to book a call using the page below. Please be sure to let us know exactly what you have questions about so that we can help you the best way possible. Here is the Embed link:

Due to regulatory restrictions, we can only have access to an updated credit report every 30 days at the earliest. So, if you get a notification from one of your apps that something has changed, been removed or updated, we will not be able to provide any details about it until we are able to pull an updated report at the end of the 30-day period.

Your payment date will be on the anniversary date of the day you signed up initially. For example, if your first payment was on the 16th of the month, you will be billed on the 16th of every month. The only exception is: if the 16th falls on a Sunday, the bank that does our payment processing may process your payment on the Saturday before.

We need to see any communication you receive from creditors, collectors or the credit bureaus. You can scan or take pictures of this communication and either upload it into your Secure Client Portal or email to info@sunrisesolutionscreditrepair.com

We need to see any communication you receive from creditors, collectors or the credit bureaus. You can scan or take pictures of this communication and either upload it into your Secure Client Portal or email to info@sunrisesolutionscreditrepair.com

This is completely normal. During the repair process, challenged items get placed into a Disputed Status that affects the way the information is calculated. In fact, it is common to see a large drop in the first month or two of repair, but again this is normal, and nothing at all to get concerned about. Once the investigations are completed and those accounts are removed, the scores will reflect the correct changes.

Well, that is because you don’t actually have a credit score. You have a Credit Profile which contains all your information. The information on your Credit Profile gets run through an algorithm called a Scoring Model which gives particular values and weights to the information in your profile, which then gets calculated to create your score. There are dozens of different Scoring Models, and they all calculate the information slightly differently, so your score will be different on all of them all even though they are calculating the same information. The two main Scoring Models are FICO and Vantage, and there are even several different versions of the FICO and Vantage scores. The main thing to know is that as long as negative items are being removed and you are consistently adding positive information in the form of on-time payments and low balances on your credit cards, your credit will improve.

Absolutely, and we will suggest that you open specific credit accounts based on your credit profile. These accounts will be tailored to you, and will plug the holes in your specific credit file and maximize your score.